Interview with Celine Boivin

Photo Manipulation at its Best

Joining Jots Beyond the Margin today is a very special guest, Celine Boivin. From Provence, France, Celine has honed her talents as an amazing digital photo manipulation artist. When I first came across her work at DeviantArt, I lost track of time, looking through her art. It’s that good. I was thrilled I was able to acquire rights to use The Lady of Crows on the cover of my upcoming book Risen (THANK YOU Celine!!!).

If you’d like a gander of some more digital photo manipulation goodness, take a look at Celine’s personal website le regard des elfes Creation or her work at DeviantArt. But for now, please join me in welcoming Celine Boivin.

Q     We all have to start somewhere. What is your earliest remembered introduction into art?

I always liked drawing and painting since my childhood. I illustrated a book at school when I was 10, but my real entry in the art world was when I started art school.

Q     Is this what sparked a fire in you for choosing this as a career opportunity, or did you have other influences throughout your life?

A logical path, I’ve always been interested in art and about photo manipulation and digital art; by chance, I met online a talented English digital artist who gave me a lot of advice.

Q     I understand that you have a background in oil paintings and watercolors. What influenced your decision to branch out into digital photomanipulation?

When I finished the art school, I left France for England. After I came back to my country, I decided to work in tourism and learned two other languages, Italian and German. I stopped a long time to paint and draw. My father was a photographer and gave me the passion of the image, I really enjoyed taking pictures. With the digital, I discovered all the possibilities to create a new style of art.

Q     I have transitioned from writing with pen and paper to mostly on the computer, but every once in a while, I feel a need to have a more tactile experience–so I’ll break out the pen and paper again. Do you still find an urge to dabble in more traditional mediums such as oil painting and watercolors?

No, never.

Q     When I write, it’s as if there’s a story boiling up from inside me that needs to be put to paper. Do you have a need to appease that creative side of your nature? What do you find most gratifying with the work you do?

I think it’s very different. Often, inspiration came when I see pictures, a scenery or a model. I have some flashes. I imagine a scene, and I start to work. Sometimes the result is very different from my first idea.

Q     Do you have a ritual to help you get inspired?

No. This, it’s always fortuity. I see something, which gives me rise to inspiration.

Q     I see that you have a very cute furry pup prominent on your DeviantArt home page. What is this little guy’s name, and does he help you burn the midnight oil when producing a piece of art?

His name is Ozzy. A CKC, he is very sweet and quiet, a lovely little dog, I adopted him 4 years ago. He came from a puppy’s traffic from eastern countries, the seller was arrested by police, but now he has a nice life! No he doesn’t help me when I work or maybe a bit because he is very quiet and I can concentrate me ! 😉

Q     You have stated on your website that you have a fascination with cats, fairies, pagan and Celtic religions, as well as mythology. I share many of those interests as well, but what do you find captivating about these subjects? And does your little furry pup share your interest in cats?

Fortunately, Ozzy is like me, he loves cats, above all Mimi, my black cat. Often, they sleep together. My influence is rather from the UK or Britanny in France, the celtic legends, Arthurian legends. About my interests in fairies or mythology, it’s since my chilhood, my readings, I think, and also my father liked to read me, each evening a bit of the Arthurian legends before to sleep, a big part of the reason…

Q     France has some of the most beautiful countryside in the world, as well as a very long and well-established cultural identity. Does this natural beauty, and your cultural heritage have any influence on your interests in art?

My influence is rather from the UK or Britanny in France, the celtic legends, Arthurian legends… Even if I love my country and I really enjoy to live in the South, I love the sun and there is some parts so marvellous !

Q     As I look at your artwork, it evokes a strong emotion, and a story begins to unfold in my mind. When you set out to create an image, do you know what the end product is going to look like and what story it’s going to tell, or does something magical happen throughout the creative process?

When I start I have an idea, a scene is in my mind, but often it’s different and sometimes I don’t like the result. I leave the work and come back in few days, sometimes few months later, and I make change. Sometimes I just need to change colors to have a beautiful result!

Q     Do you ever end up with a product that is very different from what you first imagined?

Yes, often I start with an idea, and in progression, it becomes very different.

Q     Do you have any new directions in subject matter or techniques that you are excited about exploring more in the future?

Digital painting. I would love to paint an image entirely with my wacom tablet, but for now, I haven’t got the skills to do what I want.

Q     Is there anything else you’d like readers to know about you, your artwork, or what to expect in the future?

I’m currently working on a project with army vets, very different from my previous works. It’s a playing cards game about the army and a % will be donated to a war-wounded association. I’m really excited to realize something not fantasy or romantic.

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