The Unfortunate Life of Medusa

Becoming the Monster

Medusa was once a priestess, serving the goddess Athena. Because of her striking beauty and golden hair, she was the envy of many men–but none could have her as she was sworn to celibacy. Unfortunately for Medusa, her immense beauty caught the eye of Poseidon. After raping Medusa in her temple, Athena was enraged.

Athena transformed Medusa from a beautiful woman to a creature of nightmares

Blaming Medussa for having shamefully seduced poor Poseidon, Athena brought down a terrible curse upon the young woman.

Athena transformed Medusa from a beautiful woman to a creature of nightmares. Her golden locks turned to a mane of venomous snakes. Medusa’s once stunning eyes were changed to blood-shot orbs, and milky skin turned ghastly green.

Horrified of what she’d become, Medusa fled into the night. Her form was so hideous, in fact, that one look into her eyes could turn a person to stone. Everywhere she went people were terrified of her–and with time her heart hardened and she became every bit the monster that she appeared to be.

Medusa found peace at last, after a lifetime of misery, when Perseus beheaded her using the reflection of Medusa in his shield to guide his killing blow.

If you like tales of supernatural creatures you’ll love my Tales of Malstria series.

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