What is Iblis?

An Angel of Light or a Djinn of Fire

Iblis is the muslim depiction of the devil. Similar to the stories told in Jewish and Christian lore, there are some striking differences. Without horns, a tail, and cloven hooves Iblis was often times described as appearing with a black face and body.

Was Iblis an angel made from light or a djinn created from fire?

In fact, there are differences of opinion among scholars of the Muslim faith in regards to what Iblis actually was. Was Iblis an angel made from light or a djinn created from fire? Angels are thought by scholars of the muslim faith as being incapable of sin, whereas djinn are known to be dangerous entities that can and do engage in sinful acts. Djinn were often times described as demons.

Interpretations of the Quran very greatly on this matter. Was Iblis a djinn who found himself at an inopportune time among other supernatural beings–angels; an angel himself sent to Earth to battle rebellious djinn who inhabited the planet prior to the creation of man; or was Iblis in-fact a djinn who was captured by angels and brought to heaven?

Like Iblis and djinn, ghouls are known to be shapeshifters

The fall of Iblis occurred after God created man, and ordered his angels to prostrate themselves before Adam. Because of his pride, Iblis refused God’s commandment, arguing that he was made of fire and should be held above man as they were created from only clay. For his disobendience, Iblis was cast out of heaven until Judgement Day, after which he and his minions would have to face the fires of hell.

Until that time, Iblis was allowed by God to have the opportunity to tempt man. Iblis wasted no time in tempting Eve to eat from the forbidden tree of immortality. Succumbing to temptation, Adam and Eve were banished from paradise.

One interesting consideration is that djinn are shapeshifting tricksters, and so was Iblis. When Iblis encountered Eve in the Garden of Eden, he took the form of a snake. In doing so, he was able to disguise himself and his intensions. Djinn can take the form of anything they want, but are fond of taking the form of snakes. Like Iblis and djinn, ghouls are known to be shapeshifters–ghouls are supernatural creatures of antiquity that are described as being sired by Iblis.

Whether angel or djinn, Iblis is not a supernatural being that you’d want to run into.

If you like tales of supernatural creatures you’ll love my Tales of Malstria series.

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