In the Eyes of a Son
The Spark that Ignited Adventure
I looked past Sethre to the sweeping storm as Velthr began our liturgy. The words passed through my lips without thought or feeling. In cadence and tone, flawless, they were wasted breath.
“Ati lies dying,” was my singular thought.
Excerpt from Gates the Hours Keep
The Etruscans were an ancient culture that pre-dated the Romans. There is relatively little known about the Etruscans, but we do know a bit of their language, and I’ve incorporated a little of this in my story. The word “ati” means mother, and “Aplu” was their patron god–who would later be known as Apollo (sun god).
More important than the historical background dressing, I felt that it was critical that from the first chapter Leures’ relationship with his Ati (mother) is brought to a spearhead. Being a highly skilled and dedicated apprentice priest of his Etruscan god Aplu (Apollo), Leures is described here as being distracted about his ailing mother.
Although the reader knows nothing more than this at this point in the story, they gain an appreciation that he is torn with emotion. His love for his mother serves as a spawning point for all that befalls Leures . . . all that he endures, all the he suffers.
Part Of The
Tales of Malstria Monday